Community Forum: School Building Project Design Presentation, 9/28 at 7 pm

Community Stakeholder Forum on the Greylock/Brayton Building Project

On Thursday, 9/28/23, The Owner Project Manager (OPM) and Design Team from TSKP will present to all interested community members the three possible designs for the school building project, including: 

1) Greylock addition/renovation
2) Greylock new school building
3) Brayton renovation

As part of this project, the school building committee will be implementing grade span schools (preK-2, 3-6, and 7-12) and considering site and design. Please plan to attend to hear about each of the designs and provide your input.

This will be a hybrid meeting at 7:00 pm with the option to attend in-person at the Brayton Elementary School Welcome Center or online.

(Meeting link: