CPES 21st Century Afterschool Registration Session 1

Session One for grades 3-6 runs for 15 weeks beginning the week of October 21st and ending the week of February 3rd.

Please sign up HERE. Program offerings will run depending on enrollment, so now is the time to express your interest! 

More Information:

The program runs from 3–5 PM. Dinner is served at 4:40 with a 5 PM dismissal.  A list of dates with no programming will be sent home in the confirmed enrollment packet.

Please sign up below for your first, second, and third choices for each day you wish to participate in session One. Program offerings will run depending on enrollment, so now is the time to express your interest! Please scroll left to right to see ALL options. Enrollment must be received by Tuesday, October 8th at 5 PM


Transportation Details:

Transportation home from the 21st Century Program is available at 5PM. The bus will go to designated bus stops that will be created and shared with families based on program enrollment. In order to use the 21st Century transportation, enrollment forms must be received by Tuesday, October 8th. 

We understand that the Brayton 21st Century program releases at 5 PM as well. As such, families will be able to pick up their students between 4:45 and 5:15 PM to allow for travel time between school.

Please see program descriptions below. For questions, please email program director Annie Pecor at apecor@napsk12.org, call 413-412-1118, or email our site lead, Nicole Mullett at nmullett@napsk12.org

Story Adventures (Grade 3): 

Adventure, mystery, and other exciting genres await! In this program, students will explore different genres in literature, and the components of a story through project-based activities. Find out what makes a story a story and how those components show up in all kinds of books.

Play with Clay: Sculpture and Abstract Art (Grades 3 & 4)

Explore the mediums of sculpting and abstract art. We will use air dry clay and acrylic paint to explore a variety of topics. Explore your inner artist while having fun!

Artists at Work! with Berkshire Art Center (Grades 3 & 4)

How does art get made and sold? Student will find as Berkshire Art Center faculty artists lead them through exploring the lives and artistic techniques of living artists right here in Berkshire County. Students will create their own art using the styles of the artists they explore, and learn about local artists and companies that use their artwork to create products to sell. With lessons like “Toy Creatures!” “Artist Trading Cards,” and “Logo Wild!” students will travel through the process of brainstorming, sketching, editing, packaging, and branding, in order to create multiple products for fun and for sharing. Along the way, participants will uncover the power of self-inquiry and play in order to create artwork that's uniquely their own.

Ready for Anything (Grades 3-5)

Get ready for anything! Students in this program will work in teams to learn about the causes, features, and risks of all the common natural hazards (hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc.), and then create research-based preparedness guides that include design solutions for each type of hazard that could happen in Berkshire County. As students develop their guides, they learn about how regions of the world are impacted differently by natural hazards, and they consider how to ensure that their readiness plans take into account the needs of various populations (such as people with disabilities, the elderly, and unhoused people). At the end of the program, students have the option to mail/email their guides to community leaders in and around Berkshire County, and will present their guides to a panel of local community members, which will include Public Safety Directors and EMS personnel from across the county. 

Puppet Playhouse (Grades 3-5): 

Dive into the enchanting world of puppetry in this exciting program! Discover the rich history of puppetry and create your very own puppet masterpieces. In this hands-on class, you'll explore a variety of creative techniques, including clay sculpting, paper mâché, woodworking, and sewing. Plus, you'll learn theatrical skills like using light and shadow, develop unique characters, design costumes, and construct fantastic sets. At the end of the program, you’ll have the opportunity to showcase your creations in a special performance event. Come along for an unforgettable adventure filled with imagination, creativity, and fun!

There's No "I" in Team (Grades 3 & 4) and (Grades 5 & 6)

Work together to complete hands-on projects and engage in team-building activities to support growing strong friendships and managing decision-making. 

Williams College: Let's Dance: (Grades 4 & 5) 

This program will offers students an immersive experience in the beautiful language of ballet. Dance faculty and students from Williams College will lead students through the basics of ballet on the Williams College campus.  Let's Dance students will begin to develop coordination and control of the body while exploring musicality and expression. All types of dance requires clothes that are easy to move in, so students should wear leotards, tights, leggings, or close-fitting “workout clothes” such as fitted t-shirts and longer shorts to participate. Ballet slippers are also required and will be provided for those who request them. Students will be bused to the College for the program and then back to school.

Please note: Let's Dance meets two days each week. In order for individual students as well as the class to progress calmly and effectively, Williams College asks that families are confident that their students can commit to all dates of this program when signing up.

Yoga (Grades 4-6)

Learn strategies and yoga to support overall well-being. Take time for your mind in this relaxing program that explores mindfulness, meditation, and yoga. Each week, we'll explore a new mindfulness or meditation exercise, combined with yoga sequences to stretch both body and mind.

Robotics Challenge! (Grades 4-6)

Join our exciting Afterschool Robotics Club for students in grades 4–6, where creativity meets technology! In partnership with the Berkshire Innovation Center (BIC) and Williams College, this hands-on program invites students to design, build, and program robots. Students will learn essential skills in teamwork, coding, and engineering through leadership provided through local college students and the BIC. Students in Session One of Robotics Challenge will work towards building a robot that will hopefully participate in the Berkshire Robotics Challenge later this spring! (And we hope to be able to continue this program into Session Two so students can participate in the event!) Whether you are a budding engineer or just curious about robotics, come explore, innovate, and have fun!

Coding Sharks (Grades 4-6): 

Fridays are the best day to unwind and engage in coding. Coding is the process of writing instructions to communicate with machines like computers, and programs like software, websites, and apps. Learn how to code for machines both big and small on Fridays with this STEM-centered program that builds students' persistence, problem-solving, and creativity.  

Newspaper Club (Grades 4-6)

Are you curious about what makes a great story? Do you love to write, draw, or explore new ideas? Join our afterschool Newspaper Club, where you can unleash your creativity and learn about journalism. Led by enthusiastic Williams College students, Newspaper Club lets participants design their own newspaper, from its name to its articles, illustrations, and even interviews! Here's a chance to collaborate with friends, share your work with the Colegrove community, and publish your very own school newspaper.

Science Fun: (Grades 4-6)

Enjoy science? Want to learn how things work and more about the world around you? Join this program and build, explore and work together to answer science challenges. 

Greenagers: (Grades 5 & 6)

Sign up for Greenagers to connect with our local environment and community. From gardening projects to wilderness survival skills, art projects and field trips, students will go deep into an exploration of their environment. Together we'll go hiking, try cooking, study geographical features, build and make art by repurposing everyday items, and visit farms to learn about food systems. Students will also engage with service learning projects—giving our time and energy of improving conditions for plants, animals, insects, and our fellow community members. Through teamwork and group projects, students will be guided in growing confidence in themselves and learn to work well in a group. Most days will be spent outdoors exploring and enjoying and caring for our beautiful land and local places, so cold-weather clothing is important for this program!

Chess Club (Grades 5 & 6) 
This program is for newcomers and those returning to the game. Come on Mondays to practice the game of chess and become a champion player.

Learn to Play Guitar (Grades 5 & 6)

Have you always wanted to learn to play guitar? Would you like to play for people around the campfire or at family gatherings? This is the program for you! You'll learn simple chords and scales, how to play popular songs and write your own, and learn basic care for an acoustic guitar! No musical background or ability to read music needed. Guitars provided!

Crazy Creations! Making Comics, Puzzles, and Word Games (Grade 5 & 6) 

Do you like getting creative with words and pictures? If so, then join this afterschool adventure making comics, puzzles, word games, and more! We'll design crossword puzzles, word searches, cartoons, comic strips, short stories, and riddles. Whether you like drawing, writing, or both, this class is for you! Student work will be featured in the school newspaper created by the Newspaper Club.

Kids 4 Harmony (New and Returning Students)

If your student is in 3rd or 4th grade and interested in enrolling in this program, please read the description of the program below and decide if this is a program that your student can be fully committed to. Those students enrolled in the program must attend all dates. The program meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. 

Kids 4 Harmony is a classical music program inspired by the El Sistema method of teaching from Venezuela. Students in this program will receive intensive musical instruction on the string instrument of their choice (violin, viola, or cello) as they not only learn to play, but also grow their dedication and commitment to playing music. In their general music class students will sing, play, and compose music, in Kids 4 Harmony's social-emotional learning class, they will develop skills like mindfulness, resilience, and collaborative-problem solving. In this program, experienced students are often invited to perform music with their peers across the community, including at places like Tanglewood, where the Boston Symphony Orchestra plays!

New students welcome. Returning students who have participated in Kids 4 Harmony in the past should select this option to sign up to participate this year.